Google Forms for Teachers Screencast Project

As the final project for EDTECH 513 I created a professional development screencast for teachers in my district to teach them how to use Google Forms. Many of my projects have had students as learners but I wanted to branch out and start producing PD projects for a couple of reasons. First, I really think this is a valuable tool for teachers to use in so many different ways and secondly, I think producing PD workshops is a good way for me to grow professionally. For the screencast itself I used Screencast-o-matic and then I imported it into a web-based app called eduCanon which allows the instructor to insert questions into any video. What a cool tool this is. You can grab the url from Youtube or other sites and using eduCanon, ask questions during a video to test for comprehension, provoke discussion, what ever you choose! I will need to practice a bit more to make my presentations more polished and professional but I think I am off to a good start.

Google Forms for Teachers Screencast Project

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