Why Use the Basic Suite?

Relative Advantages of The Basic Suite Software

Whether you use Word or Docs, Powerpoint or Slides, Excel or Sheets there are advantages and issues of incorporating what is commonly referred to as the Basic Suite in the classroom setting. Generally speaking, the Basic Suite, according to Roblyer(2016), has some general benefits. These benefits are improved productivity of both teachers and students, improved appearance and accuracy of produced work and provides more opportunities to support the interaction and collaboration between teachers and students as well as students and students.

Specifically, Roblyer(2016) discusses the advantages, issues and uses in the classroom of each unit of the Basic Suite.

Word Processing

1.saves time for both teachers and students
2.enhances document appearance
3.allows sharing of documents
4.allows for collaboration of documents
5.supports student writing and language learning

1.questions as to the start age of students using word processing software-how young is too young?
2.keyboard skills will be needed to be taught
3.the possible detrimental effect on handwriting skills
4.impact on assessments regarding possible biased toward students who use word processing versus handwriting and alternatively, students must have skills in order to take computer-based assessments
5.with spelling and grammar tools available to students, problems can occur with inadvertent mistakes.

Spreadsheet software

1.saves time for all users
2.organizes displays of information
3.supports asking “what if?” questions
4.increases student motivation to use mathematics
5.helps students better understand concepts behind graphs

1.students fear of working with numbers-much more comfortable with words
2.the complexity of the program-formulas etc. can be intimidating

Presentation Software

1.helps organize thinking about a topic
2.enhances the impact of spoken information
3.allows for collaboration on presentations
4.supports Speaking and Learning standards of the Common Core State Standards

1.overuse or improper use of bullets,lists and other presentation features
2.students can neglect relevant information if too much focus is on the slides and not the presenter
3.connection between the presenter and the learners can be lost if, again focus is on the slides.
4.time and again, multimedia principles of design are violated when creating presentations.

As we have worked through this unit, I have been inspired by the wealth of ideas and uses for classroom applications using the Basic Suite software.While there are some issues or concerns with their use, it is my belief that first, the advantages and uses far outweigh the issues. Secondly, these are the tools that our students, regardless of their current age or skill level, are going to be required to be familiar and well versed in to be successful in both education and employment. As instructors, we must familiarize our students these necessary tools!
Roblyer, M. D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching (7th ed.). Boston, MA:Pearson Education, Inc.

One thought on “Why Use the Basic Suite?

  1. Hi Susan,

    You wrote about being inspired by all the ideas in this unit and I totally agree. I have definitely shied away from using spreadsheets with little ones, until now. Creating a lesson using spreadsheets really opened my eyes to the possibilities. I’m excited about trying it out with my second graders this year. I think seeing and manipulating real data will make learning about weather much more meaningful to them.

    I agree that the advantages of The Basic Suite definitely outweigh the disadvantages. People always mention handwriting. In a lot of ways, I feel like handwriting is something people will talk about like we talk about trains…yes, it’s still around, but why use it when you can get on a plane? I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but I think it’s reality. Plus, for little ones, handwriting and correcting can be really hard. The option to use a word processor frees them from the physical work and lets them do the real work…the thinking and creating.

    And, you’re right…these are the tools used in the real world. Students should learn them.

    Nice blog!

    Mary Alice


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